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BASIC Source File
185 lines
'This is a sample application as described in the chapter
'Liberty BASIC Graphical Features
'The purpose of this application is to allow the entry of three
'sets of numerical data and then to plot them in contrasting
'colors superimposing each other. The concepts utilized here
'include handling the spreadsheet, using buttons, and drawing
'into a graphical window using several colors
nomainwin ' do not open a main window
'create 3 arrays
dim columnOne(10)
dim columnTwo(10)
dim columnThree(10)
'set up the size of the spreadsheet window
WindowWidth = 500
WindowHeight = 348
'set up the buttons
bmpbutton #sheet, "bmp\grphbttn.bmp", [graph], LR, -17, -15
bmpbutton #sheet, "bmp\loadbttn.bmp", [load], LR, 18, -15
bmpbutton #sheet, "bmp\savebttn.bmp", [save], LR, 53, -15
'open the window
open "GRAPHER, a Liberty BASIC application" for spreadsheet as #sheet
print #sheet, "trapclose [quit]"
print #sheet, "indirect" 'use indirect control mode
print #sheet, "select B4" 'position the selector at B4
'display some simple instructions and also the column headings
print #sheet, "cell A1 'Please enter 3 columns of data below and click on Graph."
print #sheet, "cell A3 'Item # Set 1 Set 2 Set 3"
'place the numbers 1 to 10 to the left of the column information
for index = 1 to 10
print #sheet, "cell A"; str$(index+3); " '"; str$(index)
next index
'specify columns B,C,D from 4 to 13 as user (entry) columns and to accept numbers
for index = 4 to 13
print #sheet, "user B"; str$(index); " number"
print #sheet, "user C"; str$(index); " number"
print #sheet, "user D"; str$(index); " number"
next index
'display title header and set up the cell to hold it to accept a string
print #sheet, "cell A15 'Title for the graph:"
print #sheet, "user A16 string"
'force display of the spreadsheet
print #sheet, "flush"
[inputLoop] ' wait for input (button clicks)
input r$
goto [inputLoop]
[graph] 'display a graph of the data in the spreadsheet
'if a graph is already displayed, then close its window
if plotFlag > 0 then close #graph
plotFlag = 1
'get the column data from the spreadsheet
'and look for the peak (greatest) y value
peak = 0
for index = 4 to 13
print #sheet, "result? B"; str$(index)
input #sheet, r$ : columnOne(index-3) = val(r$)
if val(r$) > peak then peak = val(r$)
print #sheet, "result? C"; str$(index)
input #sheet, r$ : columnTwo(index-3) = val(r$)
if val(r$) > peak then peak = val(r$)
print #sheet, "result? D"; str$(index)
input #sheet, r$ : columnThree(index-3) = val(r$)
if val(r$) > peak then peak = val(r$)
next index
'set up the size of the graph window based on peak
WindowWidth = 320 + 70
WindowHeight = 64 + peak + 25 + 20
yScale = 1
if WindowHeight > 400 then yScale = 400 / WindowHeight : WindowHeight = 450
'get the title of the graph from the spreadsheet
print #sheet, "result? A16"
input #sheet, title$
' open a window for the graph with one button
button #graph, Done, [done], LR, 25, 10
open title$ for graphics_nsb as #graph
'draw a scale
print #graph, "place 0 "; 15 * yScale + 35
print #graph, "down"
print #graph, "\ "; peak
print #graph, "size 2 ; place 50 "; 15 * yScale + 35
print #graph, "goto 55 "; 15 * yScale + 35
print #graph, "goto 55 "; (peak + 5 + 15) * yScale + 35
print #graph, "goto 305 "; (peak + 5 + 15) * yScale + 35
'set the size of the graphics pen
print #graph, "size 3"
'add ten to peak to move it away from the top of the window
peak = peak + 15
'plot columnOne in red
print #graph, "color red"
print #graph, "up"
print #graph, "goto 60 "; ((peak - columnOne(1)) * yScale) + 35
print #graph, "down"
for x = 60 to 285 step 25
print #graph, "goto "; x; " "; (peak - columnOne(int((x-35)/25))) * yScale + 35
next x
'plot columnTwo in green
print #graph, "color green"
print #graph, "up"
print #graph, "goto 60 "; ((peak - columnTwo(1)) * yScale) + 35
print #graph, "down"
for x = 60 to 285 step 25
print #graph, "goto "; x; " "; (peak - columnTwo(int((x-35)/25))) * yScale + 35
next x
'plot columnThree in blue
print #graph, "color blue"
print #graph, "up"
print #graph, "goto 60 "; ((peak - columnThree(1)) * yScale) + 35
print #graph, "down"
for x = 60 to 285 step 25
print #graph, "goto "; x; " "; (peak - columnThree(int((x-35)/25))) * yScale + 35
next x
'display the title in black in the upper left corner
print #graph, "color black"
print #graph, "up"
print #graph, "goto 50 "; 20
print #graph, "font Roman 10 30"
print #graph, "\ "; title$
'force display of the graph
print #graph, "flush"
goto [inputLoop] ' drawing finished, go back and poll for input
[done] 'close graph window if Done button is clicked
plotFlag = 0
close #graph
goto [inputLoop]
[load] 'load a spreadsheet
filedialog "Load Grapher File", "*.ABC", fileName$
if fileName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
print #sheet, "load "; fileName$
goto [inputLoop]
[save] 'save a spreadsheet
filedialog "Save Grapher File", "*.ABC", fileName$
if fileName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
print #sheet, "save "; fileName$
goto [inputLoop]
[quit] 'exit the Grapher application if desired
confirm "Quit Grapher?"; quit$
if quit$ = "no" then [inputLoop]
if plotFlag = 1 then close #graph
close #sheet